Our shop is a space for art you can understand.
If you are interested in selling in the Handmade Gift Shop:
Please DO NOT stop into the studio with a portfolio or your website open on your iPhone unannounced. Staff is often teaching and the ones who jury the shop are not always available. We’d like to be able to give you the focused attention you deserve, but we also don’t want to waste anyone’s time if we know it isn’t going to be a good match.
We sell work that is beautiful and impeccably well made, yet accessible. We love functional art, because it is art that becomes part of your everyday life.
Send us an email to info(at)550arts(dot)com with a link to your website or samples of your work, and include a list of other places you sell and any other pertinent information. We are looking for top notch craftsmanship, unique creations, and professionalism. The work needs to be in a “reasonable” price range, say $5-$150 to stay accessible to the average buyer. We will respond if we think your work will be a good match.
If you have been invited or accepted to sell work here:
Welcome to the Handmade Gift Shop, Dear Maker!
Please read the shipping instructions (see the PDF below) and then complete the TWO online forms below. One is your artist contract and the other is to log your inventory.
Digital forms help to cut down paper and time waste. Plus, it streamlines our process and reduces human error in trying to read handwriting. If the digital form is submitted, you do not need to send a paper copy. Thanks! Please email info@550arts.com with questions.
Required Online Forms:
Artist Contract & Policies Agreement
Artist Inventory Sheet
Optional PDFs:
Shipping Instructions Studio 550
Artist Inventory PDF PDF of the online form above (if you want it)