Master Potter David MacDonald: Visiting Artist Workshop

Watch as David makes some of his iconic works! 

The weekend of September 16-17 David MacDonald will be visiting Studio 550 Art Center and demonstrating how he makes some of his iconic works. Large platters, stacked vases, teapots, geometric carving and patterning are all potential subjects.  View his work here:

He has been working with clay for decades, is a retired ceramics professor at Syracuse University, and has over 40 years of teaching experience. His work is stunning and refined, to say the least.

Saturday will be demo from 11-2 and 3-5, with lunch on your own and a potluck to follow in the evening. Sunday will be demos from 11-2 to finish up work, and have sign ups for 1-1 crits with David. 

There are limited public spots available. Sign up for the two day workshop here:

One day rates and college/high school student rates are available. Email to inquire.