A Happy Place. A Safe Place.

These are troubled times.

In times like these, where isolation is the cure and mass hysteria is at large, it is important to have a happy place to be. Just as important, it is important to have a safe place to be.

As a result, we are upping all efforts to keep the studio clean and safe for all users. We are hoping to stay open, but will only do so if it remains safe for the workers and all our studio friends. If you are feeling sick or have been in contact with anyone who has recently traveled, please stay home! With all these additional precautions (on top of all existing silica dust precautions), we are keeping the studio as safe and clean as we reasonably can, given that it is a community studio and a shared space.

Some of the precautions we are taking include the following:

1) Daily, often many times a day, wiping down door handles, light switches and common surfaces with disinfectant
2) Encouraging all users of the studio to wash their hands with soap right when they enter and before they exit
3) Providing hand sanitizer
4) Soaking common tools (ie. pottery sponges and throwing tools) in a sanitizing bath between users
5) Mixing in a small amount of bleach into the final rinse buckets in the clay studio
6) Opening outside doors and turning the HVAC fan on, weather allowing, to encourage clean air flow
7) Proving a lenient make-up schedule for any students or members, in case they get sick

We encourage you to make decisions that are right for you. Even if we close temporarily, we will be here when this all passes.

If you are looking for something to do to take your mind off the hysteria, the spring class session begins the week of April 6th! We still have space in many of our pottery, stained glass, watercolors and drawing classes. Acrylic Painting is off for the session. Learn more: 550arts.com/classes

See you in the studio, Friends. Stay Safe and Stay Healthy Out There.